Amiga Games 1996 July
Amiga Games 1996 #7.iso
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Biorhythms 3.1
(C) Richard Smedley 1996
From time to time, we all experience feeling tired or depressed without any
apparent reason when, just the day before, everything had been alright.
A number of Swiss scientists decided to look into this problem, and after
studying medical files and a huge amount of statistical analysis, they
discovered that people tend to experience these ill-fated days at regular
In their scientific analysis, they divided human feelings into three basic
PHYSICAL Concerning stamina, vitality, energy, vigour and
physical strength.
EMOTIONAL The nervous system, our emotions, sensitivity,
optimism, self assurance, moods, creativity and
INTELLECTUAL Our intellectual faculties.
Their findings indicated that our abilities in each of these categories are
subject to cycles which are thought to start at birth and continue with
absolute regularity throughout our entire life. The physical cycle is said
to last 23 days, emotional 28 days, and intellectual 33 days.
Just double-click the icon, and the Biorhythms window will appear on the WB
screen. The window itself is fully re-sizable, so if you want to make the
chart bigger/smaller then just drag the window to a new size!
You'll see two string-gadgets at the bottom of the window - one for the
birthday, and the other for the date of the chart. Enter the appropriate
dates (DD/MM/YYYY), and the biorhythm chart will be displayed. Pressng the
cursor keys will quickly change the date of the plot: Left/right change it
1 day at a time, and up/down change it 1 month at a time.
The "Options/Show dates" menu function turns the individual dates on & off
below the biorhythm chart. Turning the dates on can often make the charts
easier to read.
Selecting "Project/Interpret" will display a brief message interpreting the
biorhythm chart for the current day.
Press the close-gadget to quit.
The "Birthdays" menu makes it possible for you to store the names of your
family & friends in the program, so you can display their biorhythm chart
by simply selecting their name from the menu.
Selecting "Birthdays/Edit..." will open the Edit Birthdays window, where
you'll see a list displaying the name/birthday of all the people currently
included on the menu.
To add a new name all you have to do is press the "New" button, and then
enter their name & birthday into the boxes on the right-hand side of the
window - their details will then be added to the list.
If you need to edit somebodys details then simply click on their name and
change the contents of the name/birthday boxes. Likewise, if you want to
remove somebody from the list then just select their name and press the
"Delete" button.
Press the close-gadget when you've finished, and the "Birthdays" menu will
be automatically updated to show the new names.
When you close the Edit Birthdays window, the program will try to save the
names/birthdays in the file "Biorhythms.dates" using the same directory as
the program itself.
Use the following icon tooltypes to change the default configuration of the
The initial width of the biorhythm window (412-640)
The initial height of the biorhythm window (120-512)
The dates below the chart are initially turned on.
Date to put in the "birthday" gadget when the program is first
V1.0 (28.01.96)
- The first release, written using compiled AmosPro & IntOS...
V2.0 (10.02.96)
- Completely re-wrote the program using compiled Blitz Basic II. The
program is *much* faster now, and it no longer needs any external
- The age in days is now displayed below the biorhythm chart.
- Dates are now in the format DD/MM/YYYY, so you'll still be able to
use the program in the year 2000 :-)
- Added a pull-down menu, containing the traditional "About" & "Quit"
V2.1 (24.02.96)
- Incorporated some error-checking on the dates: The program used to
accept daft dates such as 31st Feb!!
- Completely re-wrote the age calculating routine - the old routine
didn't always take leap years into consideration while calculating
the age...
- Added the option of displaying the dates below the biorhythm chart,
making the chart easier to read.
- Decreased the minimum possible height of the window, so that users
with a non-interlaced WB can also have small biorhythm charts!
- Added some keyboard shortcuts on the cursor keys, making it possible
to quickly increase/decrease the date of the plot by just pressing a
single key.
- The "About" window now includes a reminder about the DD/MM/YYYY date
format, together with a brief definition of what "P", "E" and "I"
actually refer to on the biorhythm chart...
V3.0 (10.03.96)
- Added a "Birthdays" menu to the program: Enter the name and birthday
of your family & friends, and you'll be able to calculate a biorhythm
chart for them by simply selecting their name from the menu.
- Incorporated a number of Tooltypes into the program, allowing you to
set the initial size of the window, and so forth.
- The GUI now uses gadtools gadgets instead of intuition ones!
V3.1 (27.03.96)
- The program can now display a message giving a simple interpretation
of todays biorhythm chart (select "Project/Interpret" from the menu)
- Added a printout function, so you can easily make printouts of your
biorhythm charts.
- A warning will now be displayed if you try to put more than 20 names
on the "Birthdays" menu.
- Added a keyboard short-cut to the "Birthdays/Edit..." menu function.
Biorhythms 3.1 is (C) Richard Smedley 1996, all rights reserved.
This program is freeware, and may be freely distributed for non-commercial
purposes providing the original files remain fully intact and unmodified.
This program is supplied "as is", with no guarantees either expressed or
implied. Your use of this program is entirely at your own risk.
If you want to contact me, then please feel free to write to me at the
following address:
Richard Smedley
257 Stoneyford Road
NG17 3GJ